加拿大安省崇基校友會 Chung Chi Alumni Association Ontario, Canada

Overview of the University Village

Tin-Chee Wu 鄔天賜

That was taken in 1963.  At the centre, the white building on the left had four units.  Three units were occupied by the incoming students in 1963, plus one senior student.  The fourth unit on the right end was ocuupied by the nurse who worked in the clinic, and her husband.  The second building on the right and set back a little bit was occupied by a couple of Teaching Assistants from the Biology Department, as well as several students in the Seminary.  So, all of them were older than us newbies. The entrance to the Village was a concrete footpath off the main round-the-campus road just pass the Chapel. At the other end, there was a mud path leading to the two dormitories.  The name University Village was proposed by the residents and approved by the College Administration, and our rents were paid to them.  1963 was the year when CUHK was formally formed, hence we porposed that name.  We never knew that we were the only group of students living there for just one year. the two buildings were left by the original villagers when the campus site for CUHK was purchased.  There was quite a story about that acquisition of the campus site.  I saw a display at the Chung Chi Library telling that story when I visited HK. 

That was me on the left and Wong Nai-Pang on the far right.  He was nicknamed 村长 by all of us, as he was tour representative at the Dormitory Commitee.  We continue to call him by that name since then.  The occasion was the celebration of the Inaugulation Day for CHHK, hence the two of us were dressed for to participate in the Dragon Dance that evening.  We called our T-shirt 龍袍.

The Lion Dancers came to our village on that day.  That door was for the unit occupied by the nurse and her husband.  Our units were on the left beyond this picture.


後記: 其中七名村民(皆當年仁社學生),於1992年重臨舊址合照。


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